BlackRock Cartel Anti-Trust Highway
For decades, many have been called 'tin hat' theorist for believing that there is a deep state super power pulling the strings of global leaders to usher in the New World Order. Yet, it is becoming undeniably obvious that many of their 'tin-hat' theories are now fact, and for the first time, voters are rising from the fog of gaslit politics. There are several powerful global investors who have been able to find loopholes within the laws to push an agenda that places every citizen in danger of tyranny. Sounds crazy, right?
What if I was to tell you that BlackRock controls $40 trillion in circulation, which means it manages a quarter of the worlds economy. Nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States need to begin studying BlackRock's roll in the current legislation that is being presented and how they're controlling global economies. BlackRock is a global investment management corporation and the largest asset management firm in the world founded in 1988 and headquartered in New York City.
They offer a wide range of financial products and services to institutional investors, individual investors, and governments by managing assets on behalf of its clients, which include pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, and individual investors. The company operates through various investment vehicles, such as mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and separately managed accounts. And, if you're like me, after looking at how they have positioned themselves to be in such power, you're asking is this a monopoly?
Anti-Trust Highway Cartel - Finding loopholes in Anti-Trust laws
BlackRock has legally navigated anti-trust laws and cleared the highway to rule over governments such as the UK, US, China, Germany, Italy, and France like a suits cartel with the mindset of a Mexican cartel operating within the guidelines of the law. While BlackRock is a large and influential player in the investment management sector, it shockingly is not considered a monopoly under antitrust laws.
There are only two economic models that truly create a fully non-biased market driven approaches that enable equality, and opportunities for wealth. We have anti-trust laws that are to protect economic monopolies. The antitrust laws or competition laws, vary by country, but they are designed to promote fair competition in the marketplace and prevent the concentration of market power in the hands of a single entity.
Now, I am a believer that fewer laws mean greater freedom, but we will always have an outlier that proves we need more regulations in place to protect citizens against tyranny The Blackrock Cartel Anti-Trust highway is abusing market systems through a loophole by investment funds that enable them have the majority of voting rights within those companies. There has been a increasing insurgence of Marxist based economics that threaten to tip countries into communist control. This is mainly due to Generation Z growing awareness of the imbalance that has been occurring in market driven economies. They're not wrong, but Marxist or collectivism theories are historically proven to be oppressive throughout history and typically result in mass genocide.
Well-known antitrust laws include the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act in the United States, the Competition Act in the United Kingdom, and the European Union's (EU) competition law framework. These laws are continually evolving to adapt to new market dynamics and challenges in the digital age. These laws vary by jurisdiction, but they generally aim to protect consumers and ensure that competition is not hindered or distorted. To avoid violating monopoly rules, companies like BlackRock are required to adhere principles of market competition, regulatory compliance, disclosure and transparency, and working to avoid anti-competitive behavior.
While antitrust laws can be complex, and their application may vary depending on the specific circumstances and legal jurisdiction it is time to question whether government authorities responsible for enforcing these laws are carefully examining the conduct of companies to ensure compliance with the rules. For now, we will focus on the US system of enforcement and oversight of antitrust laws which primarily fall under the jurisdiction of two government agencies:
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC is an independent federal agency responsible for promoting consumer protection and preventing anti-competitive business practices. The current Chair, Lina M. Khan (Democrat) has the authority to enforce antitrust laws, investigate potential violations, and take legal action against companies engaged in anti-competitive behavior. It reviews mergers and acquisitions, conducts investigations, and enforces regulations related to unfair methods of competition and deceptive trade practices.
The Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ): The Antitrust Division is a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice enforced by Assistant Attorney General, Johnathan Kanter, (party unknown). The DOJ Antitrust Division is responsible for enforcing federal antitrust laws and prosecuting violations by investigating and litigating cases related to anti-competitive conduct, monopolies, mergers, and other violations of antitrust laws. The DOJ works in collaboration with the FTC to ensure effective enforcement of antitrust regulations.
While the FTC and the DOJ are the primary agencies responsible for enforcing antitrust laws, other federal agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) overseen by Brendan Carr (Republican) and the Department of Commerce overseen by U.S. Secretary Gina M. Raimondo (Democrat), also have jurisdiction over specific industries or sectors, particularly when it comes to telecommunications, broadcasting, and international trade. It's worth noting that the U.S. Congress also plays a role in shaping antitrust laws through legislation and oversight of the regulatory agencies. In regard to BlackRock, we have to wonder if there has been too much grace provided in the area of merger controls. There must be flaws in the anti-trust laws or loopholes within the US that allow investment managers such as Larry Fink of BlackRock, and Robert Orr of Vanguard and State Street, to have managed to become power brokers in global social politics, and economic influencers.
Merger control: Antitrust laws often include provisions for regulating mergers and acquisitions to prevent the creation of monopolistic or anti-competitive market structures. Authorities review proposed mergers and acquisitions to ensure that they do not significantly reduce competition or harm consumers.

Various businesses that BlackRock has investment ties or political power pull with:
Primary Retirement Fund Business:
Defined Contribution (DC) Plans: BlackRock provides investment solutions, including target-date funds, for DC plans such as 401(k) plans. They work with plan sponsors and participants to offer diversified investment options and help individuals save for retirement.
Defined Benefit (DB) Plans: BlackRock offers investment management services for DB plans, which are employer-sponsored pension plans. They work with plan sponsors to design and implement investment strategies to help meet long-term pension obligations.
Retirement Income Solutions: BlackRock develops retirement income solutions that aim to provide individuals with sustainable income during their retirement years. This may involve offering annuities, retirement income funds, or other strategies to manage longevity and income risks.
Public Pension Funds: BlackRock works with public pension funds at the institutional level, providing investment management services and expertise tailored to the specific needs of public sector retirement plans.
What Public Pensions Do They Control?
Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS): BlackRock has worked with ASRS, which manages retirement benefits for public employees in Arizona
Bank of America Merrill Lynch's DC Business (2016): In 2016, BlackRock acquired Bank of America Merrill Lynch's defined contribution (DC) business, which included its institutional retirement plan recordkeeping and administration services. This acquisition strengthened BlackRock's position in the retirement plan market, including pension funds.
California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS): BlackRock has worked with CalPERS, which is one of the largest public pension funds in the United States, providing retirement benefits for California state employees
Citi's Mexico Pension Business (2018): BlackRock acquired Citigroup's Mexico Pension Business in 2018. This acquisition further solidified BlackRock's position in the Mexican retirement market.
Colorado Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA): BlackRock has worked with PERA, which provides retirement benefits for public employees in Colorado
Florida Retirement System (FRS): BlackRock has had relationships with FRS, which administers retirement benefits for public employees in the state of Florida.
FutureAdvisor (2015): BlackRock acquired FutureAdvisor, a digital wealth management platform, in 2015. This acquisition helped BlackRock enhance its technology-driven investment solutions and digital wealth management offerings. While FutureAdvisor is primarily a digital wealth management platform, it also provides services for pension plans. BlackRock's acquisition of FutureAdvisor in 2015 expanded its capabilities in digital retirement solutions, including those for pension funds.
Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System (IPERS): BlackRock has had relationships with IPERS, which manages retirement benefits for public employees in Iowa.
Kentucky Retirement Systems (KRS): BlackRock has had relationships with KRS, which manages the retirement benefits for public employees in Kentucky.
Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA): BlackRock has managed investments for LACERA, which administers retirement benefits for Los Angeles County employees.
Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS): BlackRock has had investment relationships with MSRS, which provides retirement benefits for public employees in Minnesota.
New Jersey Division of Investment (NJDOI): BlackRock has managed investments for NJDOI, which oversees the management of pension assets for public employees in the state of New Jersey.
New York City Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS): BlackRock has worked with NYCERS, which provides retirement benefits for New York City public employees.
New York State Common Retirement Fund (NYSCRF): BlackRock has had relationships with NYSCRF, which is the pension fund for public employees in the state of New York.
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS): BlackRock has managed investments for OPERS, which provides retirement benefits for public employees in Ohio.
Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund (OP&F): BlackRock has managed investments for OP&F, which provides retirement benefits for police officers and firefighters in Ohio.
Texas Permanent School Fund (TPSF): BlackRock has worked with TPSF, which provides funding for public education in Texas, including managing investment strategies for the fund.
Texas County and District Retirement System (TCDRS): BlackRock has managed investments for TCDRS, which provides retirement benefits for county and district employees in Texas.
Virginia Retirement System (VRS): BlackRock has managed investments for VRS, which administers retirement benefits for state and local government employees in Virginia.
Washington State Investment Board (WSIB): BlackRock has managed investments for WSIB, which oversees the investment of funds for various public employee retirement systems in Washington State.
Note: This is not a conclusive list
Teacher Retirement Funds
California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS): BlackRock has managed investments for CalSTRS, which administers retirement benefits for public school educators in California.
Teachers' Retirement System of Georgia (TRS Georgia): BlackRock has worked with TRS Georgia, which administers retirement benefits for teachers in the state of Georgia.
Teachers' Retirement System of Kentucky (TRS Kentucky): BlackRock has managed investments for TRS Kentucky, which provides retirement benefits for teachers in Kentucky.
Teacher Retirement System of Illinois (TRS Illinois): BlackRock has had investment relationships with TRS Illinois, which manages retirement benefits for teachers in Illinois.
Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL): BlackRock has had relationships with TRSL, which administers retirement benefits for teachers in Louisiana.
New York State Common Retirement Fund: BlackRock has managed investments for the New York State Common Retirement Fund, which is one of the largest public pension funds in the United States.
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan: BlackRock has managed investments for the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, one of the largest pension funds in Canada.
Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement System (PSERS): BlackRock has had investment relationships with PSERS, which administers retirement benefits for public school employees in Pennsylvania.
Texas Teachers Retirement System (TRS): BlackRock has worked with the Texas Teachers Retirement System, which manages retirement benefits for teachers in Texas.
Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS): BlackRock has worked with MPSERS, which administers retirement benefits for public school employees in Michigan
Minnesota Teachers' Retirement Association (TRA): BlackRock has worked with TRA, which administers retirement benefits for teachers in Minnesota.
Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System (MTRS): BlackRock has managed investments for MTRS, which provides retirement benefits for teachers in Massachusetts.
Pennsylvania State Employees' Retirement System (SERS): BlackRock has had relationships with SERS, which administers retirement benefits for state employees in Pennsylvania, including teachers.
South Carolina Retirement Systems (SCRS): BlackRock has managed investments for SCRS, which includes the South Carolina Retirement System for Teachers and other retirement plans for state and local government employees.
Teachers' Retirement System of the City of New York (TRS NYC): BlackRock has worked with TRS NYC, which administers retirement benefits for teachers in New York City.
Note: This is not a conclusive list.
Fund Management:
A fund of funds (FoF) manager is an investment professional or firm that manages a portfolio consisting of multiple investment funds rather than directly investing in individual securities. The primary purpose of a fund of funds manager is to provide diversification and access to a variety of investment strategies by allocating capital to different underlying funds.
Quellos Group: In 2007, BlackRock acquired Quellos Group for 1.7B, a hedge fund and fund of funds manager. This acquisition added expertise in alternative investments and expanded BlackRock's offerings in the alternative investment space. Note: In 2009, this company under the direction of Jeffery Greinstein and Charles Wilk were charged with a conspiracy to defraud the United States Department of Treasury.
ET Fund Management:
ETF managers, or Exchange-Traded Fund managers, are entities responsible for creating, managing, and administering exchange-traded funds (ETFs). ETFs are investment funds that trade on stock exchanges, allowing investors to buy and sell shares throughout the trading day, similar to individual stocks
Barclays Global Investors (2009)(UK): BlackRock acquired Barclays Global Investors (BGI) from Barclays PLC in 2009. This merger was a significant transaction that brought together two major asset management companies and resulted in the formation of BlackRock's renowned iShares ETF business.
iShares MSCI India ETF: This is an exchange-traded fund offered by BlackRock that seeks to track the performance of the MSCI India Index. It provides broad exposure to Indian large-cap and mid-cap stocks.
Credit Suisse's ETF Business (2009): BlackRock acquired the ETF business of Credit Suisse in 2009. This acquisition further solidified BlackRock's position as a leading provider of ETFs globally.
State Street Global Advisors' ETF Business (2012): BlackRock acquired the exchange-traded fund (ETF) business of State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) in 2012. This acquisition expanded BlackRock's ETF offerings and market share.
Private Equity Partners:
Private equity partners, also known as private equity firms or private equity companies, are entities that specialize in making investments in privately held companies.
Credit Suisse Customized Fund Investment Group (2017): BlackRock acquired Credit Suisse's Customized Fund Investment Group (CFIG) in 2017. This acquisition strengthened BlackRock's private equity investment capabilities.
Swiss Re Private Equity Partners: In 2012, BlackRock acquired Swiss Re Private Equity Partners (SRPEP), the private equity and infrastructure fund of funds business of Swiss Re. This acquisition strengthened BlackRock's alternative investment capabilities.
SSgA's Private Equity Business: In 2017, BlackRock acquired State Street Global Advisors' (SSgA) private equity and infrastructure fund of funds business. This acquisition enhanced BlackRock's private equity capabilities and expanded its offerings in alternative investments.
eFront (2019): BlackRock acquired eFront, a software provider for alternative investment management, in 2019. This acquisition aimed to strengthen BlackRock's alternative investment capabilities and provide clients with enhanced technology solutions.
According to the website: "As the leading provider of software solutions for the alternative investment sector, eFront offers a robust product suite thoroughly covering all alternative investment asset classes, investor types, and needs. Explore our solution finder below in order to discover the perfect alternative investment tool for you."
Private equity
Real estate
Private debt
Real Estate:
MGPA (2013): BlackRock acquired MGPA, a real estate investment management company, in 2013. This acquisition expanded BlackRock's real estate capabilities and global presence in the real estate market.
Asset Management:
Asset managers oversee various types of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and other investment instruments. They analyze market trends, conduct research, and make investment decisions on behalf of their clients to optimize portfolio performance.
Baring Asset Management (2016): BlackRock acquired Baring Asset Management's emerging market debt team and associated funds in 2016. This acquisition aimed to strengthen BlackRock's expertise in emerging market debt strategies.
Digital Currency Management:
Cachematrix Holdings (2017): BlackRock acquired Cachematrix Holdings, a provider of cash management solutions, in 2017. This acquisition helped enhance BlackRock's cash management technology platform.
According to the website: "Software as a Service (SaaS) liquidity platform provides an end-to-end investment experience for financial institutions and their corporate clients. Cachematrix implements technology designed to simplify the user experience, offering modern workflows and usability to help build out your cash management toolbox."
Energy Investment:
First Reserve Energy Infrastructure Funds (2017): BlackRock acquired First Reserve Energy Infrastructure Funds in 2017. This acquisition expanded BlackRock's presence in the energy infrastructure sector.
Infraestructura Institucional (2018): BlackRock acquired Infraestructura Institucional, a Mexico-based infrastructure investment manager, in 2018. This acquisition aimed to expand BlackRock's infrastructure investment capabilities in the Latin American market.
Regional and International Banking:
Citigroup Asset Management (2004): BlackRock acquired Citigroup Asset Management (CAM) from Citigroup in 2004. This merger strengthened BlackRock's asset management capabilities and expanded its product offerings.
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (2006): BlackRock acquired Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM) from Merrill Lynch in 2006. This merger significantly expanded BlackRock's asset management capabilities and solidified its position as one of the world's largest investment management firms.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ): One of the largest banking and financial services organizations in Australia and New Zealand. ANZ operates as a full-service bank, providing a range of banking and financial products and services to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients.
State Street Global Advisors, Australia, Ltd. 100,125,551 3.33%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 87,754,994 2.92%
The Vanguard Group, Inc.77,004,872 2.56%
Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd.68,879,656 2.29%
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy) 51,258,890 1.71%
State Street Global Advisors Trust Co. 32,143,974 1.07%
BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Ltd. 28,786,783 0.96%
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd. 20,672,465 0.69%
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 20,061,816 0.67%
Geode Capital Management LLC 19,956,983 0.66%
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA): Owned by the government until 1996* One of the largest banks in Australia and is commonly referred to as CommBank. It is a leading provider of a wide range of financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients
BlackRock Investment Management $77,397,375 0.07%
Yousif Capital Management LLC $1,874,322 0.00%
Old Mission Capital LLC, $1,036,475 0.00%
Albert D. Mason, Inc., $68,879,656 0.00%
Envestnet Asset Management, Inc. $891,493 0.00%
RAM Active Investments SA $24,689 0.00%
Blueprint Investment Partners LLC. $253,390 0.00%
SVB Wealth LLC $376,046 0.00%
Mutual Fund Holdings:
BlackRock ACS I - World (ex-UK) Equity Tracker 0.03% 439,226 $28,840,458
BlackRock ACS I - 50:50 Global Equity Tracker 0.01% 240,00 $315,759,077
BlackRock ACS I - World Low Carbon Equity Tracker 0.01% 212,814 $13,973,793
BlackRock ACS I - World ESG Equity Fund 0.01% 191,252 $12,557,989
BlackRock ACS I - 30:70 Global Equity Fund 0.00% 45,686 $2,999,834
BlackRock ACS I - 60:40 Global Equity Fund 0.00% 49,743 $3,266,225
RAM (Lux) Systematic Funds - Global Equities Sustainable Alpha I US...0.00% 376 $24,689
Blueprint Adaptive Growth Allocation (Fidelity Investments) 0.00% 3,327 $218,457
National Australia Bank (NAB): One of the largest banks in Australia. Offers various banking products and services, including personal banking, business banking, corporate banking, and institutional banking. They provide services such as transaction accounts, savings accounts, home loans, personal loans, credit cards, business loans, trade finance, cash management, investment solutions, and wealth management services.
State Street Global Advisors, Australia, Ltd.104,634,735 3.33%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 86,817,085 2.77%
The Vanguard Group, Inc.81,914,118 2.61%
Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd. 48,216,719 1.54%
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy) 46,246,702 1.47%
State Street Global Advisors Trust Co. 33,906,271 1.08%
Colonial First State Investments Ltd. 33,193,725 1.06%
BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Ltd. 30,234,160 0.96%
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 23,237,653 0.74%
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd. 20,460,604 0.65%
Westpac (WBC):
The Vanguard Group, Inc.184,273,872 5.25%
Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd. 60,274,838 1.72%
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy) 38,647,106 1.10%
State Street Global Advisors Trust Co. 37,520,013 1.07%
Geode Capital Management LLC 18,810,905 0.54%
Advance Asset Management Ltd.16,975,412 0.48%
Australian Foundation Investment Co. Ltd.(Invt Mgmt) 15,545,000 0.44%
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 15,535,425 0.44%
Netwealth Investments Ltd. 15,107,536 0.43%
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 14,046,750 0.40%
Commerzbank: is a major financial institution based in Germany. It is one of the largest banks in the country, providing a range of banking and financial services to individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), corporate clients, and institutional investors.
Government of Germany
BlackRock Investment Management (UK)
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy)
Cerberus Capital Management LP
Wellington Management Co. LLP
Ammundi Asset Management SA
The Vanguard Group, Inc
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Dimensional Fund Advisors
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (DB): A global financial institution based in Germany. It is one of the largest and most prominent banks in Europe and operates on a global scale, offering a wide range of banking and financial services.
The Vanguard Group, Inc . 75,386,802 3.69% 799,100,129
Hudson Executive Capital, LP 67,389,676 3.30%. 714,330,591
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 46,998,637 2.30% 498,185,570
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft 46,437,468 2.28%. 492,237,178
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy). 45,401,401 2.23% 481,254,867
Amundi 44,934,491 2.20% 476,305,621
Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.19,526,250 0.96% 206,978,257
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale 16,794,165 0.82%178,018,155
Dz Bank Ag Deutsche Zentral Genossenschafts Bank, Frankfurt Am Main13,999,855 0.69%148,398,468
Bank of America Corporation 10,400,799 0.51% 110,248,473
Lloyds Bank:
Harris Associates LP
BlackRock Investment Management (UK)
Norges Bank Investment Management (Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund- Focus Renewable Energy)
The Vanguard Group, Inc
BlackRock Fund Advisors
Mondrian Investment Partners
Artisan Partners
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd.
Royal London Asset Management Ltd.
Legal & General Investment Management Ltd.
Postal Systems:
German postal system 4.11.23 is operated by Deutsche Post AG: Commonly known as Deutsche Post or DHL (which is its international express division). It is the national postal service provider in Germany and one of the largest logistics companies in the world.
Sovereign Funds:
As of 5/23 BlackRock's site recommends the following:
"The new regime of higher macroeconomic and market volatility is playing out and the banking tumult on both sides of the Atlantic has made it crystal clear how important it is to stay nimble and update investment views in real time. We prefer inflation-linked bonds and very short-term government paper for income."
BlackRock manages several sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and other governmental investment vehicles. Examples include:
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA): One of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Teams with expertise in areas such as equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, infrastructure, and more.
Australia's Future Fund: Established to help meet the long-term pension liabilities of public sector employees. It consists of experienced individuals with expertise in finance, investments, and public policy. This team employs a diversified investment approach across various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, alternative investments, and infrastructure.
State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ): Goal of managing and safeguarding the country's oil and gas revenues for future generations.
China Investment Corporation (CIC): The China Investment Corporation (CIC) is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Chinese government to manage a portion of the country's foreign exchange reserves and invest them globally.
State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Investment Company (China): A regulatory agency under the People's Bank of China responsible for managing China's foreign exchange reserves.
Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD): ICD focuses on strategic investments in sectors such as financial services, transportation, real estate, hospitality, healthcare, and other industries that align with Dubai's economic objectives.
Kazakhstan National Fund
Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA): KIA is responsible for managing and investing the country's surplus oil revenues and other government assets.
Libyan Investment Authority (LIA): Manage and invest Libya's vast oil-generated wealth for the benefit of future generations and to support the country's economic development.
Khazanah Nasional Berhad (Malaysia): As a strategic investment fund, Khazanah focuses on a diverse range of sectors, including financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, and more.
New Zealand Superannuation Fund: The fund's purpose is to help pre-fund future retirement payments and provide long-term financial support for the country's aging population. The Guardians, who are appointed by the Minister of Finance, are responsible for overseeing the fund's operations, investment strategy, and performance. The NZ Super Fund has a diversified investment approach and invests globally across a range of asset classes. Its investments include equities, fixed income securities, infrastructure projects, and other financial instruments.
Airports: The fund has invested in several international airports, including Melbourne Airport in Australia and Brussels Airport in Belgium.
Renewable Energy: The NZ Super Fund has made investments in renewable energy infrastructure projects, such as wind farms and solar power facilities.
Transportation: The fund has invested in transportation infrastructure, including toll roads and ports.
Utilities: Investments have been made in utility infrastructure, such as electricity and gas distribution networks.
Norway's Government Pension Fund Global (commonly known as the Norwegian Oil Fund): It aims to generate financial returns, contribute to economic stability, and support the country's welfare system. A broad investment mandate that does not specifically target investments in infrastructure projects. However, as part of its diversified portfolio, the fund may indirectly invest in infrastructure-related assets through various means, such as investing in companies that operate or develop infrastructure assets.
Renewable Energy: Significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure, including wind farms, solar power projects, and hydropower facilities. These investments are aimed at supporting the transition to clean energy and reducing carbon emissions.
Transportation: The fund has invested in transportation infrastructure, such as toll roads, airports, and seaports. These investments aim to benefit from the long-term growth potential of global transportation networks.
Utilities: Investments have been made in utility infrastructure, including electricity and gas distribution networks. These investments seek stable, long-term cash flows from essential services.
Social Infrastructure: The fund has also made investments in social infrastructure, including healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) that support the development of essential public services.
Qatar Investment Authority (QIA): Surplus revenues from oil and gas production for the benefit of future generations and to support the country's economic diversification. Invests in various asset classes globally, including equities, fixed income securities, real estate, infrastructure, private equity, and other alternative investments.
Uber: QIA has been an investor in Uber, the global ride-hailing and transportation network company.
WeWork: QIA has made investments in WeWork, a co-working space provider that offers flexible workspaces and services.
Ant Group: QIA has invested in Ant Group, a technology and financial services company based in China, known for its mobile payment platform Alipay.
Flipkart: QIA has invested in Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce company, which was later acquired by Walmart.
Jio Platforms: QIA has invested in Jio Platforms, an Indian digital services company that offers mobile networks, broadband services, digital content, and various digital platforms.
Future Investment Initiative Institute (Saudi Arabia): The FII brings together global leaders, policymakers, business executives, and investors to discuss and explore investment opportunities, economic trends, and emerging technologies.
Public Investment Fund (Saudi Arabia): The PIF plays a pivotal role in supporting the country's Vision 2030 plan, which aims to transform and modernize the Saudi Arabian economy. The fund has a broad mandate and invests in a range of asset classes, both domestically and internationally.
Investment and sectors that the PIF focuses on include:
Domestic Investments: The PIF actively invests in Saudi Arabian companies and sectors, including real estate, infrastructure, energy, petrochemicals, telecommunications, tourism, and entertainment.
International Investments: The PIF has made significant international investments in various sectors, including technology, energy, financial services, healthcare, and transportation. It seeks to generate financial returns and access strategic opportunities abroad.
Megaprojects: The PIF supports and invests in large-scale infrastructure projects and megaprojects in Saudi Arabia, such as NEOM, a futuristic city development, and the Red Sea Project, a luxury tourism destination.
Venture Capital and Technology: The PIF has also been actively investing in venture capital funds and technology companies globally, with a focus on emerging technologies and innovation.
SoftBank Group: SoftBank Group, a Japanese multinational conglomerate, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Saudi Arabian government to explore potential investments in NEOM. SoftBank Group has been involved in various technology-related investments globally.
Siemens: Siemens, a German multinational conglomerate, has shown interest in NEOM and signed an MoU to discuss potential collaboration in the fields of energy and smart city technologies.
ACWA Power: ACWA Power, a Saudi Arabian energy company, has partnered with NEOM for the development of renewable energy projects in the region.
Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) Foreign Holdings: A diversified portfolio of foreign assets, including government securities, corporate bonds, equities, and other financial instruments. However, the specific details of SAMA's foreign holdings, including the specific assets, companies, or investments they hold, are not publicly disclosed in a detailed manner. SAMA follows a policy of confidentiality when it comes to disclosing specific holdings or investment details
Singapore's GIC (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation) GIC: is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore to manage its foreign reserves and invest globally.
Temasek Holdings (Singapore): Temasek Holdings invests in a wide range of sectors, including financial services, telecommunications, media, technology, consumer goods, real estate, healthcare, energy, and more. The company holds both majority and minority stakes in various companies, and its portfolio spans across Singapore, Asia, and other parts of the world.
DBS Group Holdings: Temasek is the largest shareholder of DBS, one of the largest banks in Southeast Asia.
Singapore Airlines: Temasek holds a significant stake in Singapore Airlines, the national carrier of Singapore.
Singtel: Temasek has investments in Singtel, a leading telecommunications company in Singapore and one of the largest in Asia.
Alibaba Group: Temasek holds shares in Alibaba Group, a Chinese multinational conglomerate specializing in e-commerce, technology, and various other sectors.
GIC (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation): GIC is Singapore's sovereign wealth fund, and Temasek is a separate entity. However, both entities play significant roles in managing Singapore's investments and financial assets.
Mubadala Investment Company (United Arab Emirates): Mubadala's investment strategy focuses on various sectors, including aerospace, energy, healthcare, technology, infrastructure, real estate, and more. The company invests across different asset classes, such as direct investments, public equities, private equity, venture capital, and infrastructure.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD): Mubadala is a major shareholder in AMD, a global semiconductor company.
SoftBank Group: Mubadala has made significant investments in SoftBank Group, a Japanese conglomerate with holdings in technology, telecommunications, and other sectors.
Masdar: Mubadala is the owner of Masdar, a renewable energy company based in Abu Dhabi that focuses on clean technology and sustainable development.
Yahsat: Mubadala owns Yahsat, a satellite communications company offering services in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and other regions.
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA): Mubadala is a shareholder in EGA, a leading aluminum producer based in the UAE.
Central Banks:
BlackRock manages investments for various types of public funds beyond public pension funds. These may include sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, and other governmental investment entities. While the specific list of public funds managed by BlackRock may vary over time, here are a few examples:
Central Banks: BlackRock has worked with central banks worldwide, providing investment management services and advice. This includes the management of foreign exchange reserves and other assets held by central banks.
Sovereign Wealth Funds: BlackRock manages investments for sovereign wealth funds, which are government-owned investment funds aimed at preserving and growing a country's wealth. These funds often have a long-term investment horizon and diversify their holdings across various asset classes.
Government Investment Entities: BlackRock may manage investments for government entities responsible for managing surplus funds, strategic investments, or other government-related financial assets.
Public Sector Entities: BlackRock may work with various public sector entities, such as municipalities, state agencies, and government-sponsored enterprises, providing investment management services for their investment portfolios.
Overarching Involvement:
Advisory Services: BlackRock has provided advisory services to central banks, offering expertise in areas such as monetary policy implementation, risk management, asset allocation, and portfolio strategy. This can involve advising on investment strategies, asset allocation frameworks, and risk management practices.
Asset Management Services: BlackRock has managed investment portfolios on behalf of central banks, including the management of their foreign exchange reserves or other types of financial assets. This may involve implementing investment strategies, executing trades, and monitoring the performance of the portfolios.
Risk Management Solutions: BlackRock has offered risk management solutions to central banks, helping them assess and manage risks associated with their investment portfolios. This can include risk analytics, stress testing, scenario analysis, and the development of risk management frameworks.
Fixed Income and Money Market Operations: BlackRock has collaborated with central banks in executing fixed income and money market operations. This can involve participating in government bond auctions, conducting open market operations, or providing liquidity support in financial markets.
Influences on Central Banks:
Market Insights and Research: BlackRock produces market insights, research reports, and analysis on various asset classes and market trends. Central banks may take these insights into consideration when formulating their monetary policies, asset allocation decisions, or risk management strategies.
Asset Allocation and Investment Strategies: Central banks often manage large investment portfolios, including foreign exchange reserves. BlackRock's expertise in investment management and asset allocation may influence central banks in their decision-making processes. Central banks may assess BlackRock's investment strategies or consider their investment products when determining the optimal allocation of their assets.
Policy Advocacy and Engagement: BlackRock may engage in policy advocacy or discussions with central banks and other regulatory bodies on topics related to financial markets, investment management practices, or regulatory frameworks. Through these engagements, BlackRock can provide insights and recommendations that may influence the policy decisions of central banks.
Risk Management Practices: BlackRock's expertise in risk management and analytics can influence central banks in their risk assessment and risk management practices. Central banks may adopt or incorporate some of BlackRock's risk management frameworks or tools to enhance their own risk management capabilities.
Technology and Innovation: BlackRock has been at the forefront of technology and innovation in the asset management industry. Central banks may look to BlackRock for insights into emerging technologies, digitalization, and data analytics, which can inform their own technological strategies and decision-making processes.
Other Endeavors:
Educational Donations:
Columbia Business School: BlackRock has made donations to Columbia Business School, the business school of Columbia University in New York City, to support various programs and initiatives.
Cornell Tech: BlackRock has provided funding and support to Cornell Tech, a graduate school and technology campus of Cornell University in New York City. The company has collaborated with Cornell Tech on initiatives related to technology and innovation.
Duke University: BlackRock has reportedly made contributions to Duke University, supporting educational programs, scholarships, or other initiatives at the university.
Harvard University: BlackRock has reportedly donated to Harvard University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, although specific details of the donations are not readily available.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): BlackRock has provided funding to support educational initiatives at MIT, particularly in the field of technology and innovation.
New York University (NYU): BlackRock has been known to donate to NYU, providing support for educational programs, scholarships, or research initiatives.
Stanford University: BlackRock has reportedly made contributions to Stanford University, supporting various programs or initiatives at the university.
University of California, Berkeley: BlackRock has reportedly made donations to the University of California, Berkeley, supporting various educational programs or initiatives.
University of Chicago: BlackRock has been known to donate to the University of Chicago, including contributions to the university's Booth School of Business.
University of Michigan: BlackRock has been involved in donating to the University of Michigan, supporting educational programs, scholarships, or research efforts.
University of Pennsylvania: BlackRock has made contributions to the University of Pennsylvania, including a donation to support the creation of the Wharton School's new dormitory complex called "Wharton Academic Research Building."
Yale University: BlackRock has reportedly made donations to Yale University, supporting educational programs and initiatives at the university.
Educational Program's:
STEM Education Initiatives: BlackRock has contributed to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education programs aimed at promoting and enhancing learning in these fields. This may include supporting programs in schools, colleges, or organizations that focus on STEM education and career development.
Financial Literacy Programs: BlackRock has been involved in initiatives promoting financial literacy and education. They have supported programs that aim to improve financial knowledge and skills among students and the wider community.
Scholarship and Student Support: BlackRock has provided funds for scholarships, grants, and other forms of student support. These programs may assist students in pursuing higher education, including undergraduate or graduate studies, by providing financial aid or other resources.
Professional Development for Educators: BlackRock has been involved in initiatives that support professional development opportunities for educators. This may include workshops, training programs, or resources designed to enhance teaching skills or improve educational outcomes.
Teacher Training Programs: BlackRock may have provided funding or support to teacher training programs that focus on enhancing instructional skills, content knowledge, or pedagogical techniques. These programs aim to empower educators with the tools and resources they need to deliver high-quality instruction in classrooms.
Leadership Development for Educators: BlackRock may have been involved in initiatives that focus on developing leadership skills among educators. This could include support for programs that train and empower teachers to take on leadership roles within their schools or educational organizations.
Mentorship and Coaching Programs: BlackRock may have contributed to mentorship or coaching programs for educators. These programs pair experienced educators with newer or less experienced teachers to provide guidance, support, and professional development opportunities.
Educational Workshops and Conferences: BlackRock may have sponsored or supported educational workshops, conferences, or seminars that provide professional development opportunities for educators. These events often feature keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Pearson Education: Pearson is a well-known multinational company specializing in educational publishing and curriculum development. They offer a wide range of products and services, including textbooks, digital learning resources, and assessment tools.
Share Holders
Cevian Capital 952,354 11.6%
Threadneedle Asset Management Ltd. 41,147,110 5.75%
Lindsell Train Ltd.36,743,6045.13%
Silchester International Investors 341,993 5.07%
Schroder Investment Management Ltd. 34,702,514 4.85%
Artemis Investment Management 341,689 4.66%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 28,074,329 3.92%
RWC Asset Management 224,888 3.80%
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd. 25,842,229 3.61%
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 24,613,000 3.44%
McGraw-Hill Education: (Acquired by Platinum Equity) McGraw-Hill Education is another prominent player in the curriculum development industry. They provide educational materials, digital learning platforms, and personalized learning solutions for K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.
Share Holders
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 27,235,957 8.46%
SSgA Funds Management, Inc.14,151,832 4.39%
TCI Fund Management Ltd. 9,329,611 2.90%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 7,445,077 2.31%
Fiduciary Management, Inc. 6,938,554 2.15%
Winslow Capital Management LLC6, 265,804 1.95%
Geode Capital Management LLC5, 940,550 1.84%
JPMorgan Investment Management, Inc. 5,750,083 1.79%
Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC 5,169,326 1.61%
Wellington Management Co. LLP 5,121,716 1.59%
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Sold to Veritas Capital on 4/22. We find this extremely out of character for Veritas Capital as they predominantly specializes in investments in defense, aerospace, healthcare, and government sectors. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) is a leading provider of pre-K-12 education content, services, and technology solutions. They develop and publish textbooks, digital learning resources, and assessments to support educators and students.
Discovery Education: Sold to Clearlake Capital LLC 3/22. Discovery Education is a subsidiary of Discovery, Inc. and focuses on creating digital curriculum resources and educational content. They offer interactive digital textbooks, multimedia resources, virtual field trips, and professional development services for teachers.
Amplify: Amplify is an education technology company that develops curriculum products and digital tools for K-12 schools. They offer comprehensive solutions in various subjects, including math, science, English language arts, and social studies.
Curriculum Associates: Curriculum Associates specializes in creating research-based educational materials, assessments, and online learning programs. Their products are designed to support personalized learning and provide teachers with data-driven insights.