A Feminist Libertarian's Look at the Evolution of Democratic Party Ideology in American Politics.
As a political enthusiast, I have observed the evolution of the Democratic Party's ideology in American politics. Over the years, the party has shifted from a moderate stance to an extreme one, with increasing support for communist beliefs. This shift has raised concerns about the future of American democracy and the role of the GOP in shaping the country's political landscape.
I have been a traditional libertarian for decades and one who supports social freedom and thereby coming to know many feminist Libertarian's over the years. Yet now, I cannot ignore the dangerous undercurrent brewing within the American left. As with everything in life, balance is critical to a harmonious environment. In this article, I will explore the evolution of the Democratic Party's ideology and the realignment in American politics needed to reclaim balance in our society, political landscape, and future prospectus.
Democratic Party and the Republican Party:
Many need to have a greater understanding of the historical facts. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the two major political parties in the United States. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828 and is one of the oldest political parties in the world. It has its roots in the Democratic Party of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, both slaveholders with limited investment in abolishing slavery. And, the party is thought to have a long history of supporting civil rights, social justice, and economic equality; however, this is not the case with the new face of neo-democratic extremism. Unfortunately, all parties systems have a far extremist side, a middle and a moderate. In past decades, the far left and the far right have been minimal, yet today, it largely appears that the majority as well as the parties leaders are now far left neoliberals who are unbalanced.
The Democratic Party did not exist in its current form during the period leading up to the American Civil War, and the issue of slavery was not initially partisan. Many politicians from both parties held various views on slavery, from those who strongly favored its abolition to those who strongly defended its continuation. That being said, one of the earliest Democrats to strongly support the abolition of slavery was Martin Van Buren, the eighth President of the United States from 1837 to 1841.
Van Buren was a strong opponent of slavery and supported measures to limit its spread into new territories, including the Wilmot Proviso, which sought to prohibit slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican-American War. Van Buren's opposition to slavery put him at odds with many of his fellow Democrats, particularly in the South. He lost his bid for re-election in 1840 and could not secure the Democratic presidential nomination in subsequent elections, partly due to his anti-slavery views.
On the other hand, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 and is a relatively younger political party. It was created as a response to the expansion of slavery and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The party's original platform was focused on opposing the expansion of slavery and promoting economic growth. Over the years, the party has evolved to become the party of conservatism, advocating for limited government, free-market capitalism, and traditional values.
The Republican Party was founded in 1854, with one of its primary goals being the opposition to expanding slavery into new territories. As such, many of the early members of the Republican Party were vehemently opposed to slavery, and the party as a whole became associated with the cause of abolition. One of the earliest Republicans to support the abolition of slavery was Salmon P. Chase, a senator from Ohio and later Secretary of the Treasury under President Abraham Lincoln.
Chase was a leading anti-slavery advocate and worked closely with other Republican leaders, such as William Seward and Abraham Lincoln, to advance the cause of abolition. In 1854, Chase gave a speech calling for the "immediate and unconditional abolition of slavery." He continued to be a vocal advocate for abolition throughout his political career. He was instrumental in the passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which abolished slavery throughout the country.
It's worth noting that there were other prominent Republicans who also supported abolition early on, including William Seward and Charles Sumner—however, Salmon P. Chase is often cited as one of the earliest and most influential Republicans to support the cause of abolition. And, oddly enough, America's 44th President, Barack Obama, cited Lincoln's political philosophies as his own.
Realignment in American Politics
The political landscape in the United States has undergone significant changes over the years. The realignment of American politics started in the 1960s when the Democratic Party shifted its stance on civil rights and social justice. This shift alienated many of its traditional supporters in the South, who were predominantly white, working-class, and socially conservative. The Republican Party saw an opportunity to gain these voters and shifted its stance on social issues to appeal to them.
Since then, the two parties have been redefining positions. The Democratic Party has become more liberal, advocating for social democracy, universal healthcare, and progressive taxation. The Republican Party has become more conservative, advocating for limited government, free-market capitalism, and a return to traditional values while allowing room for individual freedoms.
The Modern Democratic Party's Ideology
The modern Democratic Party's ideology centers on a communistic social democracy and no longer resembles a healthy social movement for all races. The party advocates for a neoliberal welfare state, universal healthcare, and progressive taxation--modeled and closely aligned with the Soviet Unions Joesph Stalin. They believe the government is responsible for providing for its citizens and ensuring everyone can access necessities such as healthcare, education, and housing. Most Americans would be all in on this utopian ideology, but it has one major issue. The problem lies with the inherent fault within individuals to rule society as a supreme leader. The concept is vulnerable to government manipulation, as we see today.
The Democratic Party used to believe that everyone should be treated equally and that the government should address systemic inequalities within healthcare, infrastructure, etc. They also believed in protecting the environment and combating climate change. However, today's Democratic Party is shifting into extremism that supports racism against white America by creating government-backed systemic inequality in healthcare and financial systems for white Americans, and it is gaining speed.
Sadly, the current administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supports this movement, which is extremely suspect, in my opinion. When will they seek to unify Americans and calm the extremist actions recently taken by neoliberal democrats armed with weapons? Their answer is to disarm all law-abiding citizens. At the same time, criminals remain armed, which by default condones extremism through uncivil protest and terrorist actions by the left and no call for decorum or peace. The current administion continues to show support for further suppressment of the middle and lower-class citizens through poor economic policies meant to cause a divide. This is not a typical issue of poorly elected leaders making decisions that can be later overturned. This administration is pushing ideologies that will forever impact America in the most toxic way possible.
The Modern Republican Party's Ideology
The earlier Republican Party's ideology is centered around conservatism and freedom. The party advocates for limited government, freedom of religion, and free-market capitalism. They believe that the government should have a minimal role in people's lives and that the free market should be allowed to operate without interference. The party also supports individual rights, personal responsibility, and national security. They believe in protecting individual freedoms, promoting personal responsibility, and ensuring the country is safe and secure.
Some of the fundamental beliefs and policy positions of the modern Republican Party include:
Limited government: Republicans generally support smaller governments and less government intervention in the economy and individuals' lives. They often advocate for reducing taxes, cutting spending, and limiting business regulations.
Freedom in social values: Many Republicans are socially conservative and support traditional values, while many moderate and young Republicans are leaning toward freedom in social values. They seek to find balance within society through fewer laws. It has become prevalent that freedom of religion is at risk as more extreme neoliberals seek to silence those with a more traditional value system. Modern-day Republicans are seeking to secure freedom of faith regardless of beliefs.
Strong national defense: Republicans tend to advocate for a strong military and a robust foreign policy, including support for alliances such as NATO and a proactive approach to fighting terrorism. (China, anyone?)
Free market capitalism: Republicans generally support a capitalist economic system with free markets and limited government intervention. They often advocate for lower taxes on businesses and individuals, reduced government spending, and fewer business regulations.
Individual responsibility: Republicans often emphasize personal responsibility and self-reliance, advocating for policies encouraging individuals to take control of their own lives and reduce their dependence on government support.
It's important to note that these are general principles and policy positions, and there is a wide range of views within the Democratic and Republican Parties on many issues. Additionally, some Democrats and Republicans may prioritize specific issues over others, and not all party members may agree with all of these positions.
Warnings of Extremism in American Politics
In recent years, there have been concerns about the rise of extremism in American politics. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have been accused of moving towards more extreme positions, with the Democratic Party accused of moving towards communism and the Republican Party accused of moving towards fascism. These accusations have been fueled by the increasing polarization of American politics, with people on both sides becoming more entrenched in their beliefs and less willing to compromise. This has led to a breakdown in civil discourse and increased political violence.
While the Republican Party has been accused of moving towards fascism in the past, it is the Democratic Party that is making moves that align with a neofascist political system. Below is a breakdown of the political movements and how they're defined. For me, it is easy to see that modern neoliberal democrats are by the majority supporting neoliberal fascism and anarchy, which is the gateway drug for communism.
Fascism: Fascism has been a traditionally a extreme far-right, non-American, authoritarian political ideology that emerged in the early 1900s. It is characterized by intense nationalism, dictatorial power, suppression of individual freedoms, and violence and propaganda to maintain control. Today's Democratic Party has begun to support policies that support this ideology, from DEI, national healthcare, and the support for federal law to usurp state law which allows a pathway for dictatorial power and dismantles our checks and balancing systems.
Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century, particularly in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, and later spread to other countries, including Germany under Adolf Hitler. Fascism is characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and often racism or xenophobia.
Examples of Past Fascism:
Italy under Mussolini: Mussolini came to power in 1922 and established a fascist government, which lasted until the end of World War II. His regime was characterized by solid nationalism, state control of the economy, and suppression of political opposition.
Germany under Hitler: Hitler and the Nazi party came to power in 1933 and established a fascist government that lasted until the end of World War II. The Nazi regime was characterized by extreme nationalism, racism, and totalitarian control over all aspects of society.
Spain under Francisco Franco: Franco came to power in 1939 after a bloody civil war and established a fascist regime until he died in 1975. His rule was characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and suppression of political opposition.
Argentina under Juan Perón: Perón came to power in 1946 and established a populist, fascist-leaning government that lasted until 1955. His regime was characterized by state control of the economy, strong nationalism, and suppression of political opposition.
Portugal under António de Oliveira Salazar: Salazar came to power in 1932 and established a fascist government until 1974. His regime was characterized by authoritarianism, strong nationalism, and suppression of political opposition.
Anarchism: Anarchism is a political ideology that seeks to abolish all forms of government and create a society where individuals can organize themselves without coercion. It is often associated with rejecting authority and hierarchy and preferring direct democracy and mutual aid.
Anarcho-communism: This branch of anarchism advocates for the abolition of private property and the establishment of a classless society where resources are shared equally.
Anarcho-syndicalism: This branch of anarchism advocates for establishing a society based on workers' self-management of production and distribution.
Green anarchism: This branch of anarchism focuses on environmental issues and advocates for preserving natural resources and biodiversity.
Individualist anarchism: This branch emphasizes individual freedom and autonomy and opposes all forms of authority and coercion.
Anarcha-feminism: This is a branch of anarchism that focuses on the intersection of gender oppression and anarchist theory and advocates for the elimination of patriarchy and all forms of hierarchy.
Black anarchism: This branch of anarchism emphasizes the struggle against racism and all forms of oppression and advocates for a society based on mutual aid and solidarity.
Examples of Past Anarchists:
Mikhail Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Peter Kropotkin, Noam Chomsky, Murray Bookchin, Errico Malatesta, and Lucy Parsons
Socialism: Socialism is a political ideology seeking to redistribute wealth and power to create a more egalitarian society. The collective ownership of the means of production and the provision of social services such as healthcare, education, and housing characterizes it.
Cuba: Cuba is a socialist state where the government controls all aspects of the economy, including the means of production, distribution, and exchange.
Venezuela: Venezuela has a mixed economy with public and private ownership, but the government has been nationalizing key industries, such as oil and electricity, in recent years.
China: China has a socialist market economy where the government has significant control over key industries but also allows for private ownership and foreign investment.
Nordic countries: Nordic countries like Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have mixed economies incorporating capitalist and socialist elements. They have high taxes and robust social welfare systems, which provide citizens with free healthcare, education, and other benefits.
Kerala, India: Kerala is a state in India that has implemented socialist policies that emphasize public welfare, health, education, and land reform. The government provides people experiencing poverty with free healthcare, education, and subsidized food.
Examples of Past Socialist: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Eugene V. Debs, and Salvador Allende Communism: Communism is a political ideology that seeks to create a classless society in which all property and resources are owned collectively. It is characterized by the abolition of private property, the suppression of dissent, and the use of central planning to regulate the economy. Recently, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, said, "governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations" may need to invoke "eminent domain" to get the "adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives." This is an example of neoliberal politics shifting from yesterday's Democratic Party values into communism as they seek out more fascist policies. Another example is Biden's recent encroachment on what is rooted in the separation of church and state and women's rights with his proposal to bar schools from banning trans athletes from competing in women's sports. True feminists are outraged and fighting back, rightly so!
The Soviet Union: Founded in 1922, the Soviet Union was the first country to adopt communism as its official ideology. The Soviet Union was characterized by a centrally planned economy, where the government controlled all aspects of production and distribution.
China: The People's Republic of China was established in 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. China's economy was also centrally planned, and the government-controlled all aspects of production and distribution.
Cuba: After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Fidel Castro established a communist government in Cuba. Cuba's economy was also centrally planned, and the government-controlled all aspects of production and distribution.
North Korea: North Korea has been a communist state since its founding in 1948. Its economy is centrally planned, and the government controls all aspects of production and distribution.
Vietnam: After the Vietnam War, the Communist Party of Vietnam came to power and established a communist government. Vietnam's economy is also centrally planned, and the government controls all aspects of production and distribution.
Examples of Past Communists:
Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, Kim Il-sung, Rosa Luxemburg
Liberalism: Liberalism is a political ideology emphasizing individual rights, limited government, and free markets. It emerged in the Enlightenment era and has been a dominant force in Western politics for several centuries. This policy closely aligns with modern-day moderate Republicans; however, it is often misused to describe neoliberalism.
Liberalism is the general belief that people should be free to live as they see fit, without interference from the government, as long as they do not harm others or infringe on their rights.
In the economic sphere, Liberalism favors free markets, minimal government regulation, and a strong emphasis on private property rights. They believe that individuals should be free to trade and contract with each other as they see fit. They generally oppose government intervention in the economy, such as subsidies, tariffs, and price controls.
In the social sphere, Liberalism favors individual liberty and personal responsibility. They generally believe that individuals should be free to engage in any peaceful activity, such as same-sex marriage, as long as it does not harm others or infringe on their rights. They are also generally opposed to government restrictions on personal behavior, such as laws against gambling or prostitution.
Liberalism is a diverse philosophy, and there are many different schools of thought within the Libertarian movement. However, most libertarians are committed to individual freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention in economic and social affairs.
Conservatism: Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes traditional values, order, and the preservation of existing institutions. It is often associated with resistance to change and a preference for gradual reform over radical transformation.
Fiscal conservatism: This is a focus on limiting government spending and reducing the size of government. Fiscal conservatives believe in balancing budgets and avoiding deficit spending.
Social conservatism: Focuses on preserving traditional values and institutions such as marriage, family, and religion. Social conservatives often oppose social and cultural changes that they perceive as threatening to conventional values.
National conservatism: This is a focus on preserving national identity, culture, and sovereignty. National conservatives often oppose globalization, open borders, and international institutions that erode national identity and values.
Libertarian conservatism focuses on individual liberty and limited government intervention in economic and social affairs. Libertarian conservatives believe in reducing government regulation and taxation.
Neoconservatism: This is a focus on promoting American values and democracy around the world through military intervention and foreign policy. Neoconservatives believe in using American power to spread democracy and protect national security interests.
Examples of Past Liberalist:
John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Frederic Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard
The Role of the GOP in Shaping American Politics and How They Are Fighting Back to Find Peace and Balance
The GOP has played a significant role in shaping American politics over the years. They have been instrumental in promoting a more balanced approach to American values and limiting the part of the government. The neoliberals have worked tirelessly to frame the Republican Party as fascist. One of the more controversial yet documented examples is seen in the January 6th riots. Many believe Democratic Party planted neoliberals or utilized ANTIFA, a neoliberal movement claiming to be against fascism but doing the opposite, to pose as neoconservatives in the January 6th riots. While this is hotly contested and debunked by liberal-controlled government bodies, video evidence does suggest foul play.
The only party to benefit from such an event would be the neoliberal Democratic Parties. In addition, they are working hard to silence the voices of Republicans or anyone else that disagrees with them, as seen in the most recent expulsion of the Tennessee Three, who violated the rules and procedures of peaceful protest by using bullhorns to disrupt and dominate the normal use of the function for the House of Representatives, which is one of the warnings listed under the ACLU's guidelines for protesting peacefully.
The GOP has been working to distance itself from extremism and promote more moderate positions to find peace and balance in American politics. They have been reaching out to traditional supporters of the Democratic Party and promoting a more inclusive message. As a recent defected Democrat, I can say that they have my attention. I can no longer ignore the new neo-democratic party that it is today, as I no longer identify with it.
The DNC and the Future of the Democratic Party in 2024
The DNC continues to support the party's shift towards communism and extremism. They have been promoting a more extreme message which can incite violence amongst their party. This is seen in the most recent speech given by Kamala Harris advocating for the misconduct of the Tennessee Representatives, Biden's overreach in barring states from banning trans athletes from playing in women's sports, and their neglect to meet with the families of the Covenant School victims who were ruthlessly shot down by a trans individual who targeted Christians. Strangely nobody is concerned with the possible influence of hormone replacement therapy on this terrorist action on that day.
Conclusion on the Evolution of Democratic Party Ideology in American Politics
The evolution of the Democratic Party's ideology has been complex and fascinating. Over the years, the party has shifted from a moderate stance to an extreme one, with increasing support for communist beliefs. This shift has raised concerns about the future of American democracy and the role of the GOP in shaping the country's political landscape.
While there are valid concerns about extremism in American politics on both sides, it is essential to remember that extremism of any kind is unacceptable. We have rules and laws to protect freedom of speech and personal safety. Any administration that supports violence and extremism over peace should be impeached, as they are causing harm to our democracy.