Lenin and Stalin Turned Russia From Capitalist to Communist: How?.
I believe it is important to first know what communism is. To do this, we must consider the schema of past models in order to better understand modern models and possible future implications of modern models. When the word communism is used, an educated mind will have flashes of prior notable leaders such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, Leon Trotsky, Kim II Sung, and Enver Hoxha. And, it is of general agreement that all the leaders just mentioned have been in America's crosshairs at some point in time, due to their authoritarian abuses of power.
What Is Communism?
Communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which property and resources are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by individuals or corporations. The aim of communism is to create a society in which wealth and resources are distributed equally, and in which everyone has access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, housing, and healthcare.
In a communist society, there is no private ownership of property, and all means of production, such as factories, farms, and mines, are collectively owned and operated by the community. This means that all members of the community share in the benefits and the responsibilities of production. Communism is often associated with the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who wrote extensively about the concept in their seminal work, The Communist Manifesto. In practice, however, communist governments have often been authoritarian, with power concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a single ruling party. This has led to criticisms of communism as a system that is prone to corruption and abuses of power.

Vladimir Lenin - The First Leader of the Soviet Union - 1922
Vladimir Lenin came into power with the help of the German government. In order to assume control of Russia he had to overthrow the capitalist system before he could establish what we now know to be the Soviet Union. His ideology was based on Marxist theory, which emphasized the struggle between the working class and the ruling class. He believed that the state should be controlled by the working class, and that this could only be achieved through the establishment of the socialist government. However, before he could overthrow the Provisional Government of Tsar Nicholas II, he needed help.
Vladimir Lenin was exiled to Switzerland by the Russian government in 1914, following his involvement in revolutionary activities against the Tsarist regime. Lenin had already spent several years in exile in various locations, including Siberia, before being allowed to return to Russia in 1917. However, his stay was short-lived, as he was soon forced to flee the country again after the Bolshevik Revolution.
The reasons for Lenin's initial exile to Switzerland can be traced back to his leadership of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, the RSDLP split into two factions, the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, over differences in strategy and ideology. Lenin and his supporters advocated for a more centralized and disciplined party organization, while the Mensheviks favored a more open and inclusive approach. Lenin's revolutionary activities brought him into conflict with the Tsarist authorities, and he was arrested and imprisoned multiple times. In 1914, with the outbreak of World War I, Lenin saw an opportunity to further the cause of revolution in Russia, but he needed to stay out of the reach of the Russian authorities to do so. Switzerland was a relatively safe location where he could continue to organize and agitate for revolution in Russia, while also writing and publishing political works.
Lenin believed that the only way to achieve a socialist revolution was through the organized efforts of a revolutionary vanguard party, led by professional revolutionaries who were dedicated to the cause. He believed that the state should be controlled by the working class, and that this could only be achieved through the establishment of a socialist government. Lenin also emphasized the importance of internationalism, or the idea that the working class should unite across national boundaries to overthrow the capitalist system. He believed that the revolution in Russia was just the first step in a global socialist revolution, and he worked to establish links with socialist and communist parties around the world. In addition to his political theories, Lenin was also a proponent of the idea of "democratic centralism," which emphasized the need for a centralized and disciplined party organization that was able to make decisions quickly and effectively. This idea was reflected in the structure of the Bolshevik Party, which Lenin led until his death in 1924.
Lenin And Bolsheviks
Lenin and the Bolsheviks were able to overthrow the Provisional Government that had been established after the February Revolution of 1917 through a combination of factors, including popular discontent with the war and the Provisional Government's inability to address pressing social and economic issues. The February Revolution was the result of a popular uprising that had been building for years due to the long-standing economic and social problems in Russia. The Russian people were also exhausted by the country's involvement in World War I, which had resulted in massive casualties and a severe strain on the country's resources. Lenin and the Bolsheviks played a role in the events that led to the overthrow of the tsar, but they were not the only ones. There were a variety of different groups and movements that were involved in the revolution, including socialists, anarchists, liberals, and others. The February Revolution was largely a spontaneous movement, with people from all walks of life participating in mass protests, strikes, and demonstrations.
Key Players:
The socialist movement in Russia was diverse and included a range of groups, including Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, and others. These groups were united by their desire to overthrow the autocratic tsarist regime and establish a socialist government in Russia. One of the ways in which the socialists were effective was through their organizing and mobilizing of the working class and other groups. Socialist organizations such as the Bolsheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries had long been active in the labor movement, and they were able to use their networks and resources to organize strikes, protests, and demonstrations that put pressure on the tsarist government.
While the Provisional Government was initially supported by many socialists and liberals, it was ultimately ineffective in addressing the country's many problems, which paved the way for the Bolsheviks to take power. The socialist movement was also effective in providing ideological leadership and inspiration for the revolution. Socialist thinkers such as Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin had long argued that capitalism was inherently unjust and that a socialist society was needed to create a fairer and more equal world. These ideas resonated with many Russians who were struggling with poverty, inequality, and oppression under the tsarist regime.
Anarchists played a significant role in the revolutionary movement that overthrew Tsar Nicholas II. Anarchism was a popular political philosophy in Russia at the time, and anarchists were known for their opposition to state authority, their focus on direct action, and their commitment to the principles of mutual aid and solidarity. One of the ways in which anarchists were effective in assisting with the overthrow of the tsar was through their use of direct action tactics such as sabotage, strikes, and assassinations.
Anarchists targeted symbols of state authority, such as police stations, government buildings, and the homes of wealthy capitalists, in an effort to undermine the legitimacy of the tsarist regime. Anarchists worked alongside socialists, trade unionists, and other revolutionary groups to build a mass movement that could challenge the power of the tsarist government. One of the most famous anarchist tactics during this period was the use of "expropriations" or "expropriatory attacks," which involved stealing money or goods from wealthy capitalists and using the proceeds to fund revolutionary activities. Anarchist groups such as the "Combat Organization of the Socialist Revolutionary Party" and the "Black Guard" were known for their use of these tactics.
Liberals were part of a broader coalition of groups that included socialists, workers, and peasants. The liberals, who were primarily composed of middle-class professionals and intellectuals, were motivated by a desire for political reform and greater democracy in Russia. They had long been critical of the Tsarist regime, which they saw as corrupt and autocratic, and had been calling for greater political representation and civil liberties for many years. During the February Revolution of 1917, the liberals joined forces with other groups to demand the overthrow of the Tsar.
They formed a provisional government, which included many prominent liberal figures, and began the process of transitioning Russia towards a more democratic system of government. However, the liberals were ultimately unable to hold onto power, as the Bolsheviks led by Lenin seized control of the government in the October Revolution later that year. Despite this, their efforts were still significant in helping to bring about the downfall of the Tsarist regime and paving the way for future democratic reforms in Russia.
The Bolsheviks' own organizational strength and their commitment to a revolutionary socialist program is an important factor to regard. They were able to mobilize popular support for their cause by promising an end to the war, land reform for peasants, and workers' control of production. Another key factor was the weakness of the Provisional Government, which was composed of moderate socialists and liberals who were unable to address the deep-seated problems facing Russia. The Provisional Government was also undermined by its continuation of Russia's participation in World War I, which was deeply unpopular and contributed to the collapse of the Russian army and economy.
After the collapse of the tsarist regime, a Provisional Government was established, which was initially supported by many socialists and liberals. However, the Provisional Government was weak and ineffective, and it was unable to address the country's many problems. Lenin and the Bolsheviks saw an opportunity to seize power and establish a socialist government in Russia. They worked to build support among the working class and other groups, and they organized a series of strikes and protests to undermine the authority of the Provisional Government.
In October 1917, the Bolsheviks launched a successful coup and took control of the government. This was known as the October Revolution (or the Bolshevik Revolution), and it marked the beginning of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks were able to take power largely because of their organization and leadership, as well as the weakness of the Provisional Government. They were also able to gain support from key groups such as the soldiers, sailors, and workers, many of whom were disillusioned with the Provisional Government and saw the Bolsheviks as the best hope for a better future.
International Community OrganizationGermany - Japan - Parts of Europe Assist
Germany and other nations did play a role in the Bolsheviks' rise to power, particularly through their support for Lenin's return to Russia in April 1917. Germany, which was at war with Russia at the time, saw Lenin and the Bolsheviks as a way to destabilize the Russian government and potentially withdraw Russia from the war. The German government provided Lenin with safe passage through its territory and even provided financial support for his activities. However, it's important to note that the Bolsheviks were not simply puppets of foreign powers. While they may have received support from Germany and other nations, the Bolsheviks were a highly organized and committed political movement that had been active in Russia for many years and had built a significant base of support among workers, peasants, and soldiers. The Bolsheviks were able to seize power in October 1917 through a combination of factors, including their own organizational strength, the weakness of the Provisional Government, and popular discontent with the war and the existing political system.
In addition to Germany, the Bolsheviks received some limited support from other countries during their rise to power in 1917. Japan supported the Bolsheviks' efforts to undermine the Provisional Government and withdraw Russia from World War I. Japan saw the Bolsheviks as a way to counterbalance the influence of Germany in the region and potentially gain access to Russia's resources. Another country that provided some support to the Bolsheviks was Austria-Hungary, which had its own interests in destabilizing the Russian government and potentially securing access to Russian territory. However, it's important to note that the support provided by these countries was limited and often motivated by their own strategic interests rather than a genuine belief in the Bolshevik cause. Ultimately, the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in Russia largely through their own organizational strength and the weakness of the existing political system.
Apart from Germany and Japan, the Bolsheviks did not receive significant direct support from other foreign powers during their rise to power in 1917. In fact, many countries were initially hostile to the Bolsheviks and saw them as a dangerous threat to the established order. However, some socialist and communist parties in Europe and other parts of the world provided ideological and moral support to the Bolsheviks. These parties saw the Bolsheviks as fellow revolutionaries fighting against the capitalist system and imperialism, and some even sent delegates to attend the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets in November 1917. Additionally, the Bolsheviks were able to establish relations with other revolutionary movements and anti-colonial struggles around the world. This included support for the Chinese Communist Party and the Comintern's efforts to establish communist parties in other parts of Asia and Africa. Overall, while the Bolsheviks did not receive significant direct support from other foreign powers, they were able to establish ties with other revolutionary movements and socialist parties around the world. This helped to reinforce their commitment to building a global socialist movement and challenging the existing order of imperialism and capitalism.
Lenin Begin's Making Sweeping Changes One In Power
Land reform:
Lenin's government implemented a radical land reform program that expropriated land from the aristocracy and distributed it among the working class. This move was popular among the working class, who made up the majority of the population in Russia. The immediate nationalization of all land, forests, and waters, which were to be transferred to the ownership of the people. The law was to provide land and property to the rural population and to end the system of landlordism that had dominated Russian society for centuries. The law was a key element of the Bolsheviks' strategy to win the support of the peasantry, who made up the majority of the population in Russia at the time.
The law was seen as a significant step towards the establishment of a socialist state, in which the means of production and land ownership were controlled by the people rather than a privileged minority. They established local land committees to oversee the distribution of land to peasant communities. These committees were to be composed of representatives from the peasantry, the proletariat, and the army. The recognition of the right of peasants to seize land and property belonging to the nobility, the church, and the state. The establishment of a land bank to facilitate the transfer of land to peasant communities. The bank was to be funded by the state and by contributions from wealthy landowners.
The original text of the Law on Land, which was passed by the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets on November 8, 1917, used a specific set of terms and phrases to describe its provisions. Here are some of the key words and phrases used in the law:
Nationalization: The law called for the immediate transfer of all land, forests, and waters to the ownership of the people, effectively nationalizing these resources.
Land committees: The law established local land committees to oversee the distribution of land to peasant communities. These committees were to be composed of representatives from the peasantry, the proletariat, and the army.
Seizure (Eminent Domain): The law recognized the right of peasants to seize land and property belonging to the nobility, the church, and the state.
Land bank: The law called for the establishment of a land bank to facilitate the transfer of land to peasant communities. The bank was to be funded by the state and by contributions from wealthy landowners.
Socialization: The law aimed to create a system of socialized agriculture, in which the land and means of production were owned by the people and used for the common good.
The language of the Land Reform law was characterized by a strong emphasis on the idea of collective ownership and control of land and resources, and a rejection of the traditional system of private property and landlordism.
Nationalization of industry: Lenin's government nationalized key industries, including the banks, mines, and factories. This move was designed to transfer control of the economy from private capitalists to the state, and to facilitate the implementation of socialist economic policies. The nationalization law passed under Lenin was known as the Decree on Nationalization of Land, which was issued on June 28, 1918. The text of the decree is available online and in various historical archives, and it is written in the language of the time, which can be challenging for modern readers to understand. Decree on Nationalization of Industry, January 1918: This decree nationalized all factories, mills, mines, and other industrial enterprises with more than ten workers. The state took control of all means of production and distribution.
Some of the key phrases used in the decree include:
"The entire landed property of the nobility, the monasteries, and the imperial family is hereby declared to be national property"
"All private landownership is hereby abolished forever"
"The right to use the land is granted to all citizens of the Russian Republic without distinction as to sex or nationality"
These phrases and others like them make it clear that the decree was intended to transfer ownership and control of all land in the country to the government, and to eliminate private land ownership. The language used is direct and forceful, reflecting the urgency and revolutionary spirit of the times.
Creation of a planned economy: Lenin's government established a centralized system of economic planning that aimed to coordinate the production and distribution of goods and services. This system was intended to replace the market-based system of capitalism, which the Bolsheviks saw as inherently exploitative. There were several laws and decrees that were passed during the period of Soviet history when the country was transitioning to a planned economy. Law on the Nationalization of Banks, December 1917 nationalized all banks and placed them under state control. The state became the sole issuer of currency, and credit was made available to support state planning and economic development.
The law on the nationalization of banks was passed by the Soviet government in December 1917. The following steps were taken to achieve this law:
Formation of the People's Commissariat of Finance: The first step taken was the formation of the People's Commissariat of Finance. The Commissariat was responsible for managing the finances of the new Soviet state.
Decree on Nationalization of Banks: On December 1, 1917, the Soviet government issued a decree on the nationalization of banks. The decree stated that all banks in Russia, including foreign-owned banks, were to be nationalized.
Seizure of Bank Assets: The government then proceeded to seize the assets of the banks. Bank accounts were frozen and the government took control of the banks' property, buildings, and equipment.
Creation of State Bank: A new state bank, the State Bank of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, was created to replace the private banks that had been nationalized. The State Bank was responsible for issuing currency, managing the government's finances, and providing loans to state-owned enterprises.
Establishment of Centralized Economic Planning: The nationalization of banks was a key step in the establishment of a centralized planned economy in the Soviet Union. With the nationalization of the banks, the government was able to control the flow of credit and direct investment to state-owned enterprises in accordance with the needs of the planned economy.
Some of the key phrases used in these laws and decrees included:
"The state shall have the exclusive right to carry out all economic activities" (from the Decree on the Nationalization of Industry, 1918)
"All banks are hereby nationalized and become the property of the Soviet Republic" (from the Law on the Nationalization of Banks, 1918)
"All trade is hereby declared to be a state monopoly" (from the Law on the Regulation of Trade, 1918)
"All property of the former ruling classes, including factories, workshops, and other means of production, shall be transferred to the ownership of the workers" (from the Decree on Workers' Control, 1917)
These phrases and others like them reflect the Soviet government's determination to create a planned economy and to eliminate private ownership and control of industry and commerce. The language used is often direct and forceful, reflecting the revolutionary spirit of the times and the sense of urgency that surrounded the creation of a new economic system.
Establishment of the Soviet state: Lenin's government created a new form of state, known as the Soviet state, which was based on a system of councils representing workers, the poor, and soldiers. The Soviet state was intended to be more democratic and participatory than the previous Tsarist regime, and to represent the interests of the working class.
Suppression of political opposition: Lenin's government was also known for its suppression of political opposition. The Bolsheviks established the Cheka, a secret police force, to deal with perceived threats to the new regime. The Cheka was responsible for suppressing political dissent, as well as conducting a campaign of terror against those who opposed the new regime.
Lenin's government sought to establish a new form of society based on socialist principles, and to build a new world order that would be free from the exploitation and oppression of capitalism. While the Bolsheviks were able to implement some of their reforms in the short term, the long-term impact of their policies on Russian society and the world remains a matter of debate. Lenin's ideology has had a profound impact on Russia, both during the Soviet era and in the present day.
When Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in October 1917, one of their first acts was to issue a decree known as the Decree on Peace. This decree, which was signed by Lenin on November 8, 1917, called for an immediate end to Russia's involvement in World War I and for the beginning of peace negotiations with the warring powers. The Decree on Peace was a key policy initiative of the new Bolshevik government, which sought to end the war and redirect resources towards the construction of a socialist society in Russia.
The decree was also seen as a way to solidify the Bolsheviks' political legitimacy by responding to the popular demand for an end to the war, which had caused widespread suffering and disillusionment among the Russian population. The Decree on Peace was followed by a series of other important laws and policies, including the Decree on Land, which nationalized all land in Russia and redistributed it to the peasants, and the Decree on Workers' Control, which gave workers the right to take control of their workplaces and oversee production.
These early decrees and laws helped to establish the foundations of the Soviet system and set the stage for the implementation of more comprehensive policies and reforms in the years to come

Present Day Russia
While some of Lenin's ideas have been discredited and abandoned, others continue to influence Russian politics and society. Lenin's ideology is present in modern-day Russia with the following:
Vladimir Putin and Statism: Lenin believed in the centralization of power and the importance of a strong state. This emphasis on state power continues to be a feature of Russian politics today, with the government exerting significant control over the economy and the media.
Nationalism: Lenin was a strong advocate of national self-determination and believed in the importance of national identity. In Russia, this legacy can be seen in the government's emphasis on in suppressing anyone who shows dissent from Putin's Regime and who doesn't show patriotism and national pride.
Economic interventionism: Lenin believed that the state should play a central role in the economy, and this legacy can be seen in Russia's current economic policies, which include state ownership of key industries and intervention in the market.
One-party rule: Lenin believed that a single party should hold power and that opposition parties should be suppressed. While Russia today is a multiparty democracy, the ruling United Russia party has a dominant position in politics, and opposition parties face significant obstacles to gaining power.
Militarism: Lenin saw the need for a strong military to protect the socialist state, and this emphasis on military power continues to be a feature of Russian politics today, with significant investment in the country's armed forces and assertive foreign policy.
Overall, while the specifics of Lenin's ideology may no longer hold the same appeal they did in the early Soviet era, his legacy continues to shape Russian politics and allows for Vladimir Putin to continue his reign over the Russian population.

Joseph Stalin - USSR Soviet General Secretary of the Communist Party - 1922
He was one of the most prominent and controversial figures of the 20th century, and his policies had a profound impact on the Soviet Union and the world. Stalin rose to power in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and became the leader of the Soviet Union following the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. He led the country through a period of rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture, which transformed the Soviet economy but also led to widespread famine and suffering.
Stalin's policies were characterized by authoritarianism, repression, and violence. He established a cult of personality and purged perceived enemies of the state through a series of show trials and mass executions. Millions of people were sent to labor camps, known as gulags, where they were subjected to forced labor, harsh conditions, and often died. Stalin's leadership also saw the Soviet Union play a major role in World War II, contributing significantly to the defeat of Nazi Germany. However, the post-war period was marked by increased tensions with the United States and other Western powers, leading to the Cold War.
Stalin implemented forced collectivization through a combination of propaganda, coercion, and violence. He saw collectivization as a way to increase agricultural productivity and consolidate state control over the countryside. In 1929, the Soviet government passed a series of laws that mandated the creation of collective farms and the confiscation of private land and livestock. The laws were designed to force peasants to give up their individual farms and join larger collective farms, where they would work together to produce crops for the state.
The government used a variety of methods to enforce the collectivization policies. Peasants who refused to join the collective farms were subjected to intimidation, threats, and violence. Many were labeled as "kulaks," or wealthy peasants, and were targeted for persecution. The government also used propaganda to promote collectivization, portraying it as a path to modernization and progress. In addition to the legal measures, the government used the Red Army and the secret police to forcibly seize grain and livestock from peasants. Peasants who resisted were often subjected to arrest, imprisonment, or execution. In some cases, entire villages were destroyed as a form of collective punishment. The process of collectivization was accompanied by a severe famine in 1932-1933, which was caused in part by the disruption of agriculture and the forced requisition of grain. Millions of people died as a result of the famine. Overall, Stalin's collectivization policies were implemented through a combination of legal measures, propaganda, and coercion, and were accompanied by significant human suffering.
Stalin used a variety of methods to repress political opposition, control the Soviet population, and maintain his grip on power. These methods included:
Purges: Stalin carried out a series of purges in which he eliminated potential rivals and dissenters from the Communist Party and other government institutions. The purges involved show trials in which accused individuals were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit and were then executed or sent to forced labor camps.
Stalin conducted purges in the Soviet Union in the 1930s and 1940s through a series of show trials and secret police operations.
The purges were carried out in several phases, with the first phase beginning in 1934 and targeting high-ranking officials within the Communist Party who were accused of being "enemies of the people." These officials were put on trial, forced to confess to crimes they did not commit, and then executed or sent to labor camps.
The second phase of the purges, which began in 1937, targeted a wider range of people, including intellectuals, artists, and ordinary citizens. Stalin's regime used the secret police, known as the NKVD, to carry out the purges. The NKVD arrested people suspected of opposing the regime, subjected them to harsh interrogations, and coerced them into confessing to crimes they did not commit. The confessions were then used as evidence in show trials, in which the accused were publicly tried and often sentenced to death.
The purges were accompanied by a climate of fear and suspicion, in which anyone could be accused of being an enemy of the people and subject to arrest and execution. The purges resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and had a chilling effect on Soviet society, suppressing dissent and opposition to the regime.
Overall, Stalin's purges were carried out through a combination of propaganda, coercion, and violence, and resulted in a significant loss of life and widespread suffering.
Secret police: Stalin's government established a powerful secret police force, known as the NKVD, which carried out surveillance, arrests, and executions of political opponents, suspected traitors, and ordinary citizens who were seen as a threat to the regime. The NKVD, or People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, was the secret police organization of the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule. The NKVD was responsible for maintaining internal security, conducting investigations and interrogations, and carrying out purges and other repressive measures.
Censorship: The Soviet government tightly controlled the media, censoring or suppressing information that was deemed to be critical of the regime. This included books, newspapers, films, and other forms of expression.
The state controlled all forms of media, including newspapers, radio, film, and literature. The government appointed editors and publishers, and all materials were subject to state approval and censorship. Any content deemed critical of the Soviet government or its policies was suppressed or altered.
The regime also used propaganda to shape public opinion and reinforce the official ideology of the Communist Party. State-controlled media outlets produced a constant stream of content promoting the government's policies and attacking its enemies. Individuals who expressed dissenting views or engaged in activities deemed subversive were subject to arrest and imprisonment. The regime used the secret police and informants to monitor and control the population, and dissidents were often subjected to torture and forced confessions.
In addition to direct repression, the regime also used education and cultural institutions to promote its ideology and control public discourse. Schools and universities were closely controlled by the state, and curriculum and research were subject to government approval.
Overall, Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union implemented a comprehensive system of censorship and control to maintain its grip on power and suppress dissent. This system was marked by repression, propaganda, and surveillance, and had a profound impact on Soviet society and culture.
Propaganda: The Soviet government used propaganda to promote the regime's ideology and to glorify Stalin and his policies. Propaganda was disseminated through a variety of media, including posters, films, radio broadcasts, and speeches.
Forced labor camps: Stalin's regime established a vast network of forced labor camps, known as the Gulag, where millions of people were sent to work in brutal conditions. The Gulag was used as a tool of repression, punishing political opponents and other groups seen as a threat to the regime.
Stalin's repressive policies were marked by brutality and terror, resulting in the deaths of millions of people. Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union used schools and universities as a tool to advance its cause in several ways. Some examples of how Stalin used schools and universities:
Ideological indoctrination: Schools and universities were used to indoctrinate young people with the values and ideology of the Communist Party. Students were taught to revere Stalin and the Soviet state, and to view communism as the only valid political and economic system.
Propaganda: The regime used textbooks, lectures, and other educational materials to promote its propaganda and shape the views of young people. Students were taught to see the world through the lens of communist ideology, and to view capitalism and Western countries as enemies of the Soviet Union.
Control of curriculum: The regime tightly controlled the curriculum in schools and universities, ensuring that all subjects were taught from a Marxist-Leninist perspective. This included subjects such as history, literature, and science, which were used to reinforce the regime's ideology.
Repression: Schools and universities were also used as a tool of repression, with teachers and students who expressed dissenting views or engaged in activities deemed subversive subject to punishment and imprisonment.
Indoctrination of children through education during his reign
Here are some examples:
Curriculum Changes: Stalin made significant changes to the Soviet educational curriculum to emphasize Marxist-Leninist ideology and propaganda. History textbooks were rewritten to portray Stalin and the Communist Party as heroes of the Soviet Union, while downplaying the contributions of other historical figures.
Youth Organizations: Stalin established youth organizations such as the Young Pioneers and the Komsomol to promote Communist ideals and indoctrinate young people. These organizations were mandatory for Soviet children and provided them with activities, education, and social opportunities, but also encouraged them to report on their peers and families if they expressed any anti-Soviet views.
Propaganda Posters: The Soviet government under Stalin heavily relied on propaganda posters to promote Communist ideology and encourage loyalty to the regime. These posters were displayed in schools and other public spaces and often featured images of Stalin and other Communist leaders.
Teacher Training: Stalin mandated that all teachers in the Soviet Union undergo political training to ensure that they were properly indoctrinating students with Communist ideology. Teachers were expected to promote Soviet values and report any students who expressed anti-Soviet sentiments.
Stalin used education as a tool to promote Communist ideology and ensure loyalty to the Soviet regime among the younger generation. The result was a highly regimented and indoctrinated population, which continued to be influenced by Soviet propaganda for many years after Stalin's death.
Laws Pass To Pave The Way To Rewrite History
During his time in power, Stalin passed several laws that enabled him to rewrite textbooks and control education in the Soviet Union.
Here are five of those laws:
The Law on Education of 1930: This law established the principles of socialist education in the Soviet Union. It created a centralized system of education and put the Communist Party in control of all aspects of education. Once the law had been drafted, it was subject to extensive debate and revision within the Communist Party. Many Party officials, including some of Stalin's closest allies, expressed concerns about the law's potential impact on education and the broader society. Despite these concerns, the law was ultimately approved by the Soviet parliament, the Supreme Soviet, in August 1930. It was immediately implemented across the Soviet Union, with all aspects of education, from curriculum to teacher training, subject to strict Party control.
The Law on the Protection of State Secrets of 1932: This law made it illegal to disseminate any information that could be considered a state secret. This law was used to suppress any information that did not conform to Stalin's ideology, including scientific and historical facts.The Soviet government had become increasingly concerned about the spread of information that could be seen as undermining the authority of the state, including news about economic problems, political dissent, and military weakness. The law defined state secrets broadly, including not only military information but also scientific, economic, and cultural information that could be seen as critical to the state's interests.
The Law on the Red Army of 1935: This law established the role of political commissars in the military. These commissars were responsible for ensuring that soldiers remained loyal to the Communist Party and Stalin. The law also mandated political education for all soldiers.It established the system of political commissars that would remain in place until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, and cemented the Communist Party's control over the military and the broader society.
The Law on the Protection of Cultural Treasures of 1938: This law gave the state control over all cultural treasures, including museums, archives, and libraries. This law was used to suppress any information that did not conform to Stalin's ideology. The law also had a political dimension, as it was used to control access to cultural treasures and regulate their interpretation. The Soviet government had the power to censor and suppress any interpretation of cultural artifacts that it deemed to be politically incorrect or counter-revolutionary. The law was an important milestone in the development of Soviet cultural policy, and it helped to establish a system of state control over the cultural heritage of the Soviet Union that would last for decades.
The Law on Higher Education of 1936: This law reorganized the system of higher education in the Soviet Union. It required that all higher education institutions adhere to Marxist-Leninist ideology and placed the Communist Party in control of university governance. This law was used to control the curriculum and ensure that only politically reliable professors were hired.
College and Career Ready
The underlying purpose of the law was to promote the development of a highly skilled and educated workforce that could help the Soviet Union to achieve its economic and political goals. The law aimed to create a system of education that was closely aligned with the needs of the state, and that could be used to train specialists in a wide range of fields, from science and engineering to economics and political science.
The law introduced a number of reforms to the Soviet education system, including the creation of new universities and technical institutes, and the standardization of academic curricula and requirements. The law also established new rules for admission to higher education institutions, based on a combination of academic merit and political loyalty to the Communist Party.
The law served to reinforce the Communist Party's control over education and limit academic freedom, as scholars and researchers were required to adhere to Marxist-Leninist ideology and serve the political goals of the state.
After the passage of the law on Higher Education of 1936 in the Soviet Union, professors who disagreed with the Soviet agenda or failed to demonstrate sufficient loyalty to the Communist Party and the state were subject to various forms of persecution, including dismissal from their positions, imprisonment, and even execution. Under the Soviet system, universities and research institutions were closely monitored by the state, and scholars and researchers were required to adhere to Marxist-Leninist ideology and serve the political goals of the state. Those who deviated from this orthodoxy were viewed as enemies of the state and subject to severe consequences.
The 1936 law on Higher Education established a system of political screening for all applicants to higher education institutions, which meant that anyone who was deemed to be politically unreliable or insufficiently committed to the Communist Party's goals was denied admission. In addition, the law introduced new rules for academic appointments, requiring candidates to demonstrate their loyalty to the Communist Party and the state, and to adhere to Marxist-Leninist ideology in their research and teaching. Those who failed to meet these requirements were often denied promotions or dismissed from their positions. Professors who openly criticized the Soviet regime or expressed views that were considered politically incorrect or counter-revolutionary were subject to punishment, including imprisonment or execution. Many prominent scholars and intellectuals were targeted by the Soviet authorities during the purges of the late 1930s, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and had a chilling effect on academic freedom and intellectual inquiry in the Soviet Union for many years to come.

Final Thoughts
Since the early 90's American's have had their suspicions about certain global initiatives and have been labeled as conspiracy theorist. Yet, slowly over a span of decades, we have witnessed laws and shifts in our political and civic governments pave a new path. The purpose of this article was to look at the past to recognize the present, and to consider if the possibility exist for America to go from a capitalist to communist country. It sheds light on the extreme actions of socialism and how it opens the doors to communism. We must be careful and strive for a healthy balance, and educate those who do not understand that more laws do not create freedom. Instead, they create restraint, and repression of all people.
American's on both sides of the aisle should be alarmed with the trajectory of our future and current laws being put in place. We need to take swift legal measures through the House and the Senate to block their attempts of destroying American Democracy as we have known it. Please call your legislators today to demand transparency of our local public and charter schools, Universities, curriculum developers, and committee's at the federal and state level. Teacher's are not able to speak up as they are restricted from speaking negatively about what is happening within their districts. Demand their First Amendment rights to be restored!
A new law will be in effect on July 4th (Independence Day), which proves to be a mockery to our independence. The law "FedNow Pilot Program Act", which is a new real-time payment system being developed by the Federal Reserve, has been a topic of discussion and potential legislative action in recent years. The Federal Reserve is creating the FedNow Service as part of its mandate to provide payment and settlement services to depository institutions. It requires the Federal Reserve to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the FedNow Service, and report the findings to Congress. However, this bill did not become law as it was not passed by the Senate before the end of the 116th Congress. However, President Biden has made the law effective on July 4th, 2023.
I will be writing further articles in the future to detail the correlations between America's current political ideology and how it is riddled with communist beliefs. I will also be writing on the pathways to Agenda 21, a notable conspiracy theory that is no longer a conspiracy. Please subscribe below to stay up to date with future articles. And, if you are interested in supporting our cause, please consider a donation below. We work hard to research these topics to better inform the public on critical laws being presented before our House and Senate.